HR Management··5 min read

Explained: How To Entice, Attract, And Hire Seasonal Workers

Hire Seasonal Workers

The ability to hire seasonal workers is essential for a business in which there are peak and off-peak seasons. However, the task comes with its own unique set of challenges. The goal of a business is invariably to have employees who represent the very best the company has to offer. With the proper planning and dedication to the task of seasonal worker recruiting, the undertaking doesn’t have to be as herculean as it seems. Read on for the best methods to entice and hire seasonal workers.

Provide a Clear Job Posting

The job posting should include primary duties and responsibilities, schedule offerings, incentives, as well as the anticipated timeframe for which the position will be. Set appropriate expectations and an anticipated onboarding and training timeframe

Don’t just regurgitate the previous year’s job description. As business needs change, so do the duties with which the employees are tasked. Take stock of exactly what will be expected of the employee and provide it in the job description in a thorough, yet succinct, job description. Too much information can be overwhelming and not enough confusing. Consider obtaining the feedback of employees in a similar position to ensure the job description is fair and clear.

Use Seasonal Keywords in Job Postings

When posting the job description on popular job boards, ensure the keywords are listed so job seekers are more apt to find the posting. Include applicable words, such as “seasonal”, “temporary”, “part-time”, or whatever else might apply. Consider placing the keywords in the job title as well, as this could produce an even more accurate result.

Not only should a business take advantage of job search engines, but they should also maximize their presence on social media and post seasonal positions. Some popular social media sites, such as Facebook, even have a dedicated section for job postings. As more and more people go to social media for reviews and recommendations, a hefty presence on social media could make a difference in enticing the best seasonal employees.

Consider Using a Staffing Agency to Hire Seasonal Workers

Staffing agencies can be a wonderful asset for seasonal worker recruitment. They take the strain off regular full-time employees, and businesses aren’t sacrificing a huge part of their workforce to the hiring of seasonal employees. These types of agencies know the best tactics to find seasonal workers, and additionally, have an existing pool of temporary employees with the appropriate skillset at the ready.

Once a staffing agency is chosen and procured, it’s best to stick with the same one from season to season. This inspires dedication and the desire to keep the returning business, as well as ensures the chosen agency is well-aware of the interview and hiring process.

Offer a Signing Bonus

One of the best and most obvious ways to entice seasonal workers is with a signing or hiring bonus. Many potential employees eyeing seasonal work are searching for a short term position to make some extra cash quickly. The allure of a bonus right off the bat is hard to overlook. Many companies pay a partial bonus upon hire and then pay out the rest once the seasonal work has been completed. This not only attracts temporary workers, but it also urges them to stay on to get the full bonus at the end of the season.

Increase Pay for Undesirable Shifts

To find seasonal workers, try offering a shift differential for working outside of the normal 8 to 5 business hours. Many workers shy away from night or weekend hours, but if compensated above the normal wage, they will be more apt to consider these shifts. Seasonal workers are likely to choose a business that offers a shift differential over those who do not.

Offer Flexible Interview Scheduling

Many workers looking for a seasonal position already have a regular day job. If interview times are kept strictly to normal business hours, the strain of getting to the interview could prove too much effort. Try offering interviews outside of the standard hours, potentially mirroring times in which the company is looking for workers. This projects a business with a flexible mindset that is employee-centric.

Offer Referral Bonuses

Referral bonuses are an excellent way to bring in new recruits referred by the existing workforce. Not only does it urge spreading the job openings by word of mouth, but the tactic also has a higher chance of having a dependable seasonal employee, as they will be a friend or acquaintance of an existing worker.

Allow Time for Proper Onboarding

Enticing a seasonal employee doesn’t stop once they are hired. The onboarding and training process has a large bearing on whether or not the employee will stay throughout the season and potentially return the next. If an employee doesn’t feel properly prepared and supported they are unlikely to remain, as well as unlikely to give the company a glowing recommendation. Ensure the search for seasonal employees begins well before the season begins to allow plenty of time for proper onboarding.

Offer Seasonal Positions to Previous Employees

Don’t ignore the great potential of previous employees. Conducting exit interviews is a great way to inquire as to whether or not a seasonal employee, or a former full-time employee, would be interested in coming back for another season. Contact those who expressed interest by keeping an e-mail distribution list as temporary positions come available.

Additionally, by re-hiring a previous employee, the amount of time spent on onboarding and training can be significantly reduced. The time saved can remove the additional strain during the busiest time of year.

Don’t Skip Exit Interviews on Seasonal Employees

Lastly, some businesses might consider an exit interview on a seasonal employee unnecessary, although this is most certainly not the case. By knowing how past seasons went with temporary workers, a business is more prepared to attract workers the next season. Knowing and acknowledging where the company has room for improvement in the hiring and onboarding process is always advantageous.

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