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The Scrum Framework – What is It and How Does It Work?

The Scrum Framework – What is It and How Does It Work?

What is a scrum framework?

Taking its name from the well-known rugby scrum, using a scrum framework within your business means putting a focus on team building to improve productivity and employee output in your workforce. Although this is usually applied to software development, with the ability to adapt framework with scrum in mind, this tool can help you to bring your employees together to learn through experience no matter your industry.

Many of those who choose to implement a scrum framework in their team will find that there are quite a few benefits that can come with it. For most, one of the best parts of this is the fact that it doesn’t have to be too much of a challenge to do so either.

Three tips for adapting Scrum Framework

With the number of advantages that this form of framework can offer, it’s certainly worth taking a closer look into how you could implement it into your business.

When considering what is scrum framework and how can I apply it, it may be worth taking a quick look at the three roles that comprise scrum. Here are our top three tips:

Tip one: Implement these and adapt them for your specific needs for the best possible results.

  • The product owner – the person responsible for the product and the necessary means to sell it, including the requirements, prioritisation and even assigning tasks to members of the team in some cases
  • The scrum master – the person in charge of the team is expected to create plans, remove obstacles and keep track of everything that is being completed to ensure top performance
  • The development team – this is typically 4-9 staff members who should self-organise, perform analysis, define and implement factors that need completing and more (some of these members may need to go on business trips, so remember to make use of any tools you need to keep them in the loop)

Tip two: Define a list of objectives and address the backlog

In the scrum framework, all pending work should be considered as backlog. You should compile a list of tasks (known as the sprint). Remember that this needs to be flexible as the project may very well evolve as you go. Think of it as an alternative to your current roadmap and allow room for change.

Most backlogs will have two different categories; one for higher-level requirements, and another for lower-level requirements. While both are necessities, separating them from each other will often help significantly when it comes to time management.

Tip three: Set visible daily meetings

As your team works through the sprint, it’s going to be a great idea to host daily meetings and make them visible to all involved. Make sure to discuss completed tasks, what needs to be done next and any obstacles that are arising.

Being transparent and crystal clear every step of the way is a necessity if you want the team to run smoothly. This is also essential to providing the quality your clients expect and on-time deliveries.


Four Fundamental Pillars of Scrum

It goes without saying that if you want to be successful in your endeavours, it’s generally going to be a wise idea to do a little research. This is no different with scrum. In fact, if you don’t know much about how this kind of framework functions or what it requires, there’s a good chance that you are going to need to learn at least some of the basics.

To give you a helping hand, we wanted to share with you the 4 essential elements of scrum. The pillars of scrum framework are as follows.

  1. Open up and maintain a level of transparency for the scrum team
  2. Observe and experiment to form the best possible plans. This is especially important for the scrum master
  3. Begin to self-organise with the help and support of the wider scrum team for better functionality and productivity in the workplace
  4. Define values of focus, courage, respect and commitment across the scrum team and your wider business

Without these 4 pillars, it may not be as easy to make scrum work within your business. Because of this, it’s generally a wise idea to consider what may need to be implemented if you want to see as much success as possible.

What are the advantages of the Scrum Framework?

The great news is that while it may take some work to implement the scrum framework, there are a whole host of benefits for you to take advantage of. For one, scrum can help you to address issues that you may be facing concerning both long and short term planning with your employees. It aims to make the everyday processes in your business less complex and more manageable for those who may be struggling with skill gaps and or motivation

That’s not all either, as there’s simply so much more you can look forward to when implementing scrum within your team. A few common examples of key benefits include:

  • This kind of framework often allows for a significant amount of flexibility when it comes to making quick project changes, especially in terms of factors like the product definition
  • While being open to adjustments, you may just find that scrum will help you to set clear and concise sprint goals
  • The framework can often help to keep deliveries on time, whilst still ensuring a high level of quality every time
  • In many ways, scrum can also be used to help minimise risks too, thanks to how it can help to make the processes of your company more efficient; from better communication, to clear goals

The planning aspects and focus on open communication is one of the biggest bonuses for teams who have already implemented scrum, so this is worth keeping in mind, too. These will allow your workforce to improve the way they work, which can lead to a better work/life balance – which is just another advantage that scrum has to offer when used correctly.

In many cases, teams have also found that this kind of framework can help significantly boost the ROI of a business, which is something that anyone can benefit from.

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