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9 Surefire Signs of Bad Management In Your Team

Poor Management In Your Team

There is nothing more discouraging for an employee than a company with bad management. Poor management leads to an unmotivated team, poor performance, high employee turnover, and many more adverse effects.

Today, we’re going to show you how to spot the warning signs before it becomes too late. Here are nine ways to know that your company has bad management.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognition boosts morale. Managers who fail to recognize and reward achievements contribute to low team morale and motivation.
  • Stress indicates deeper issues. High rates of workplace stress and related health issues often point to systemic problems with management.
  • Retention reflects management quality. Frequent employee turnover is a strong indicator of poor management and an unsupportive work environment.
  • Denial worsens problems. Management teams that ignore or conceal issues can cause long-term damage to a company’s performance and reputation.
  • Micromanagement stifles productivity. Overly controlling managers can decrease job satisfaction and inhibit efficient work processes.
  • Low morale in your team

When you are working with managers that are never satisfied with your performance, it can be quite difficult to maintain high levels of enthusiasm and employee morale at your job. Unfortunately, a lot of managers do not recognize the importance of awarding team members for their achievements, no matter how small they are.

This can create an environment where employees feel unappreciated and demotivated. So if everyone on your team feels like this, then it might be a sign that you are under bad management.

Good managers even go as far as providing incentives to employees who do good work.

A stressful work environment with high sickness rates

Bad leadership can take a serious psychological toll, and they are the leading cause of stress and depression in the workplace. Anyone who has worked under bad management before knows the effects it can have on your mental and physical health. Apart from that, it can negatively impact your job satisfaction.


Research shows that 77% of employees suffer from stress caused by bad managers. Also, 75% of employees report that if they were to leave their jobs, their boss would probably be reason number one. Some would even prefer having a new boss over getting a pay rise. This just shows how undesirable a bad boss is.

If you are constantly feeling stressed because of bad treatment from the manager, then that's an obvious sign you are under bad management. It can be quite difficult to carry on in such a stressful and demotivating environment. As a result, employees will start taking odd sick days from time to time. If the doctor signs off, then that employee can be away from work for several days. While that's not the best option, with bad management, it can seem like the only way out.

As you might expect, this will have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. This is because whenever employees are absent, the entire team suffers a lot.

Apart from the direct costs of absence, a company will end up paying for sick leave, and they will have to find someone else to cover for that employee. This just shows how bad management can have a huge impact on productivity and an organization's continuation of service. No company policy can fix this, unfortunately.

Low employee retention

Let's face it; no one is going to stay in an environment where they are abused and unappreciated. So, if you are looking for classic poor management examples, it's low retention.

While employees will sometimes quit even a properly-managed company, there shouldn't be a trend of people being hired and quickly leaving. This is an indication that the company is having difficulties keeping stuff, and that's one of the signs of poor management. When there is such a pattern, the company will keep hiring, and that is very costly. It is a well-known fact that high employee turnover can significantly drain your internal resources.


There are a lot of costs involved in the hiring and training of new employees. Apart from that, the new inexperienced staff is generally less efficient and will make more mistakes in general. As a result, the team's productivity will drop, and the company will start operating at a loss.

Your leadership is in denial

When leadership tries to make it seem like the business is doing well when it's not, that's another sign of bad management. A good management team will address issues as they come instead of trying to conceal them. When they face the realities of business trends, the team will start working towards possible solutions.

There will be a huge negative impact on a business if the management team decides to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to face major issues head-on.

This will lead to a continuous trend of underperformance. Over time, the near-term financials of the company will start suffering. Once that starts happening, you can expect long-term damage to the reputation of the company, and the investors will find it difficult to trust the leadership.

There is micromanagement and excessive oversight

Are you dealing with a manager who not only examines but nitpicks everything? Such managers want to monitor every move you make, from the tiniest tasks to day-to-day procedures.


This can get to the level of the manager standing over your shoulders as you work. That is a sign of bad management. Instead of recognizing employees as members of a team, fighting towards a common goal, micromanagers think of employees as cogs in a machine. This results in a lack of trust between employees and managers.

There is a bad attitude or a lack of honesty

People will generally avoid a boss or anyone who is always sour, cranky, and generally unpleasant. As a result, team members will run away from trying to address important issues with such managers. It's important to understand that a company's management sets the tone for everyone else.

So, when they have a bad attitude or aren't honest with the employees, the result is a toxic environment, and no one wants to work like that. If you find that you hesitate to take issues up with your manager, then it might be a sign their management skills are lacking.

Missed deadlines and delayed projects

This is one of the effects of poor management. One of the chief causes of project redundancy and delays is poor organizational communication. When you notice such a trend, it's an obvious sign that whoever is in charge of the team isn't checking to ensure that all aspects of a project are being worked on.

This poor communication within a team can cause low retention, and over time it will impact the company's bottom line.

In such scenarios, you'll often find that employees are given redundant work and that wastes time and valuable resources that can be channeled towards better us. Unfortunately, a sustained pattern of missed deadlines and redundant work will affect the company’s profits.

New and innovative ideas are dismissed

When your ideas as a team are ignored or dismissed on a regular basis, it can be an indication that the management is complacent and unsupportive. Unfortunately, if this keeps happening, it can lead to stagnation in growth potential. You will find that managers who behave that way usually say things like, 'This is the way we've always done things.' This is one of the most harmful management styles that exist.


The business environment is always changing, and a management team that sticks to this kind of gospel will always get hurt in the long run. This is because for a business to grow, it has to be open to new and improved ways of doing things.

Sticking to old methods will cause the company to miss key changes in trends and lose out on new opportunities. Therefore, any management team that wishes to grow their team must promote project innovation and new ideas. In fact, some companies go as far as setting up teams that are focused on this initiative.

To promote such a culture, the management team should also encourage dialog across the company and reward team members for new ideas.

The management team focuses on the negative things only

A good management team should never spend too much time dwelling on the negative. This is a classic error made by managers when they are under pressure. You will find that such managers can even focus on five percent of the work that wasn't done and ignore the 95% that was completed successfully.

For instance, if a team member stays up all night working on a project, they would at least expect to be appreciated for the effort instead of waking up to a harsh email highlighting what wasn't completed. If there is a trend at your company of such comments, team members will end up being demotivated and less productive.

In some instances, this behavior can be unintentional. However, if managers consistently refuse to acknowledge the effort and keep commenting on what the team is doing wrong, then you have a bad management issue. This is probably the most common complaint that comes from team members across a lot of companies.

Signs of Poor Management

These are some of the signs of poor management. Unfortunately, poor management causes a lot of problems, and all this comes back to one thing - the company's bottom line. There is no doubt; therefore, that bad management can hurt a company financially.

This means that once a particular business notices any of these signs, action must be taken to sort out the situation with the management.

No Respect for Personal Life

No respect for personal life is a common sign of bad management. When managers don't respect the personal lives of their employees, it can manifest in various ways such as excessive workload leading to employee burnout or expecting employees to be available at all hours, disrupting their professional lives. This lack of respect for personal boundaries can lead to a toxic work environment, affecting team morale and employee satisfaction.

Lack of Constructive Feedback and Emotional Intelligence

Lack of constructive feedback and emotional intelligence is another issue. Managers lacking emotional intelligence often fail in effective communication, including giving and receiving feedback. This can lead to low employee performance and hinder career growth, as employees are left without direction or understanding of how to improve.

High Turnover Rates and No Career Path

High turnover rates and no clear career path can be alarming. When talented individuals leave the company frequently, it's often due to a lack of career development opportunities and effective leadership. High turnover is costly for the entire company and affects the team effort towards achieving company goals. It also creates a cycle of hiring inexperienced employees, affecting productivity.

Absence of Mutual Trust and Active Listening

Absence of mutual trust and active listening is a huge problem. Without trust and open communication, it's difficult to maintain a collaborative environment or a high-performance team. This can lead to low employee experience and hinder career progression. The absence of mutual trust often stems from a lack of active listening skills on the part of the manager.

Wrapping up

With our help, you’ll hopefully be able to spot management in time before it moves on to your upper management and becomes too big of a problem to handle. Unfortunately, you can have a poor manager here and there but if you act in time, you’ll be able to improve employee engagement, increase productivity and create a better company culture.

And if you’re looking for one tool that will help your team work more efficiently, try out Unrubble today! We can help you track your team’s time, manage their timesheets and payroll, and much more!

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Want to create a more engaging workplace? Discover strategies in our Work Environment and Culture articles that can help transform your office space.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of poor management?

There are plenty of different ways to be a bad manager, including: looking at yourself first as the manager, ignoring employee feedback, giving preferential treatment to some employees, and gaslighting employees - these are all traits of ineffective managers.

How do bad managers affect employees?

There can be massive negative effects, including lower engagement, higher levels of employee absenteeism, higher turnover, health issues, lower productivity, and much more.

Why don’t bad managers get fired?

There is no clear-cut answer to this as it depends on your specific situation. However, in most cases, bad managers do not get fired because the company leadership has no other option but to keep them since finding effective managers is rather time-consuming and expensive.

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