Business Tips··5 min read

Are You Including These 30 Essential Onboarding Survey Questions?

onboarding survey questions

One of the keys to improving employee performance and satisfaction is asking the right onboarding survey questions.

Even though it seems there's a stream of never-ending questions to ask, you can easily get started with these 30 essential onboarding survey questions below.

Questions About The Employee's Decision

These questions are crafted to help you determine what candidates find attractive about you as an employer.

  1. How did you hear about us? - This tells you the most likely channels for finding top talent.
  2. What made you accept our offer? - You get to know the positive traits that potential candidates find most attractive.
  3. Can you list three exciting things about us? - The answers should give you in-depth details about which positive traits to maintain to attract the right candidates.
  4. Did you find anything off-putting about us? - Companies should also be open to finding out negative traits that can potentially repel good candidates.
  5. Where were you working before you joined us? - This gives you a good idea of who your competition is and what you're doing better than them.

Questions About The Onboarding Experience

Typically, these questions help you determine the effectiveness of the recruitment and hiring process from the candidate's perspective.

  1. Did you find it easy applying for this job? - The last thing you want is for candidates to jump through hoops when applying for a position in your company. The job application process should be as simple and convenient as possible to attract forward-thinking candidates.
  2. Were you happy with the level of communication after applying? - Remember, candidates are just getting to know you, so it's best to communicate as clearly as possible to facilitate a smooth transition.
  3. What was your opinion of the HR personnel? - The best answers should indicate that HR recruiters and interviews were professional and unbiased throughout.
  4. How was your interview experience? - Again, candidates should feel the interview process was inclusive, comfortable, and professional.
  5. Did you have any doubts or worries about your first day at work? - When the onboarding process is done correctly, candidates should feel confident about their first day at work. They should have a clear idea of their new role and the tools and resources to perform their job successfully.
  6. Can you rate your overall onboarding experience from 1 to 10? - Sometimes, a glance at the average rating will give you a quick idea of how successful your onboarding process is.
  7. What do you think can be done to improve this rating? - Since there's always room for improvement, candidates can help you uncover areas that may be unfavorable to new hires.
  8. What was the best part about your experience? - These are the areas you should capitalize on to increase employee satisfaction.
  9. How was your onboarding experience compared to onboarding experiences with previous employers? - This should tell you whether your onboarding process is competitive enough
  10. Do you have additional feedback you would like to leave regarding our onboarding process? - No matter how comprehensive your new hire onboarding survey questions are, you never know what else employees are looking forward to sharing with you.

Questions for the Induction and Training Period

The following questions can help you collect valuable feedback about whether new hires enjoy the new experience. These questions can be asked after the first day, the first week, or within the first months of bringing in a new hire.

This is similar to how new client onboarding survey questions are asked at strategic points of the client's journey.

  1. How well do you like your new role? - When the employee is given enough training and helpful information, they should enjoy the role once they step into it.
  2. Did you interact well with your new team members? - Team members should be supportive and helpful, so the new employee settles into the flow of things more quickly.
  3. What else should have been done to make you feel more comfortable? - Ask this question later to obtain additional feedback about how the company can improve the onboarding experience.
  4. What's your opinion of the workplace culture? - Generally, the work culture should be welcoming, flexible, and positive.
  5. What's your opinion of your team leaders and managers? - For the best results, managers should provide regular and constructive feedback for better adaptation.
  6. Do you feel like you belong at the company? - If the employee feels working, this indicates a positive transition and vice versa.
  7. Does your work experience live up to your expectations? - The answer should be yes if the job description and responsibilities were explained accurately.
  8. How are you handling your workload and responsibilities? - Sometimes, new employees may require training and coaching to keep up with other team members.
  9. Do you see yourself working here in the long term? - If the answer is yes, then that means the employee is happy to stay and is more likely to recommend your company to family and friends.
  10. What do you think of the overall onboarding process? - By the time the employee has fully settled in, they will have a more detailed and comprehensive answer about the overall onboarding experience.

Onboarding Questions For Remote Workers

Remote working is the new way of doing things. So it's important to have remote onboarding survey questions that still give you the feedback you need about your remote employee onboarding.

  1. Do you feel connected to the rest of your team? - Even though team members may be working in different parts of the world, it's crucial that everyone feels connected for the successful completion of projects.
  2. What additional resources or information do you need to perform well? - Remote workers often need additional resources or IT equipment to do their job well.
  3. Are there any communication issues that need improvement? - This is one of the most critical virtual onboarding survey questions. That's because there tend to be more communication issues without the benefit of face-to-face meetings.
  4. Are you happy with the workflow? - Since remote working arrangements offer a lot of flexibility, it's easier to switch up the workflow until there's optimum work-life balance.
  5. How can management help improve your work experience and performance? - This helps with continuous improvement of the onboarding process.

Use These Questions to Create The Perfect Onboarding Experience

These onboarding survey questions provide you with precious feedback you can use to refine your company's onboarding process. Depending on the feedback you get, and as your company evolves and grows, they may focus on other areas that need improvement to ensure a successful business.

Combined with the best customer onboarding survey questions, the feedback you get will influence employee engagement, motivation, and retention.

When employees deliver valuable work, this positively impacts customer satisfaction and retention. In addition, it helps you attract more top talent since new hires are more likely to recommend you as the employer of choice if they enjoy the onboarding process.

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