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2024 Hubstaff Pricing Plan - How Much Does It Cost?

2024 Hubstaff Pricing Plan - How Much Does It Cost?

Are you thinking about using Hubstaff in 2024 but aren't sure about the total cost for your team?

You're in the right place!

In this article, we're going to show you exactly how much Hubstaff costs.

From the no-cost starter option to the full-featured enterprise plan, we've got you covered.

Whether you're working solo, managing a growing team, or running a big company, it's important to know how much you'll spend. 

Let's see if this tool is worth the price tag. 

What is Hubstaff?

Hubstaff pricing

Hubstaff is a tool that does more than just track time. It helps you work smarter and manage your tasks better.

Here's what it offers:

  • Productivity: Hubstaff shows you how you spend your time, helping you stay focused and efficient.
  • Timesheets: it automatically records your work hours, making it easy to keep track.
  • Integrations: Hubstaff works with other apps, so you can connect it to different tools you use. For example, you can connect it to your project management apps like Clickup or Asana.
  • Payroll: for team leaders, it calculates pay based on the hours worked and simplifies payment processes.

In short, Hubstaff is not just for tracking time. It's a complete tool for managing work, whether you're a freelancer or managing a team.

Hubstaff pricing model explained: plans comparison

Pricing Hubstaff

If you're considering using Hubstaff, we recommend that you get familiar with their pricing first.

Take a look at our thorough analysis of their subscription plans to see whether any of them suits your budget:

The free trial subscription

  • Duration: 14 days
  • Includes: basic features like time tracking, limited screenshots, timesheets, activity levels, limited reports, and clients & invoices.
  • Limitations: advanced features are restricted.
  • Usage: ideal for testing the basic functionalities of Hubstaff.

The Starter pricing plan

  • Cost: $4.99 per user per month, with a minimum of 2 users.
  • Includes: time tracking, timesheets, activity levels, limited screenshots, limited app & URL tracking, limited reports, limited payments, clients & invoices.
  • Support: two-day email support SLA.
  • Limitations: lacks more advanced features like unlimited screen capture and integrations.

The Grow subscription

  • Cost: $7.50 per user per month, with a minimum of 2 users.
  • Includes: everything in Starter, plus tasks, enhanced reports, 1 integration, idle timeout, project budgets, work breaks, and expenses.
  • Support: one-day email support SLA.
  • Limitations: more features than Starter but less than higher plans.

The Team subscription

  • Cost: $10.00 per user per month, with a minimum of 2 users.
  • Includes: everything in Grow, plus insights, unlimited screenshots, unlimited app & URL tracking, auto discard idle time, teams, payments & payroll, unlimited integrations, overtime, time off & holidays, scheduling & attendance, client budgets, timesheet approvals, daily & weekly limits.
  • Support: chat support and one-day email support SLA.
  • Limitations: more comprehensive but less than Enterprise.

The Enterprise subscription

  • Cost: $25.00 per user per month, billed annually.
  • Includes: all Team features, plus locations, corporate app, higher limits on public API, pay by bank debit (ACH), HIPAA compliance, SOC-2 Type II Compliance, enterprise deployment, account provisioning, single sign-on, Hubstaff Corporate app.
  • Support: concierge setup, assigned account rep, two-hour email support SLA.
  • Limitations: the most comprehensive plan with specialized enterprise features.

Each plan is designed to cater to different needs, from individual freelancers to large enterprises, with varying levels of features and support. The choice of plan would depend on the size of your team and the specific features you need for your business.

Who is Hubstaff for?

First off, Hubstaff offers a range of plans, from a free plan to more advanced paid plans. This variety means they've got something for everyone, depending on what you need and how much you're willing to spend.

Newbies and freelancers

If you're just starting out or you're a solo freelancer, the free plan could be perfect for you. It's like dipping your toes in the water without any cost. You get basic time tracking and a few other features, which is great if you're keeping things simple. Plus, there's no billing to worry about!

For these users, being able to create timesheets and log their time is going to be key. If you’re a freelancer looking for a free tool to track time for various clients, getting this plan is a no-brainer.

Small teams and growing businesses

This is where Hubstaff's paid plans come into play. These plans are more about getting the full experience. You can add or remove features as you need, which is super handy. Say you've got a busy month - you might need more features. Or maybe things are quiet, and you can scale back. 

For small businesses and agencies and perhaps even solopreneurs, the Starter plan comes into play. You can create invoices and timesheets and even manage your team’s activity by taking a look at their screenshots and URL activities.

Large teams and enterprises

For larger teams or enterprises, Hubstaff's higher-tier plans, especially the annual plan, are a good fit. These plans are more of an investment, but they come with all the bells and whistles. Think of it like having a full toolkit at your disposal. And if you go for an annual plan, you might even get some credits on your next bill if there's unused time, which is a nice bonus.

For larger teams, getting the Enterprise plan makes the most sense. Things like SOC-2 and HIPAA compliance are extremely valuable in some industries. Couple this with dedicated account managers and priority customer support and this plan is probably worth the investment for the big players.

In short, Hubstaff has something for everyone. Whether you're flying solo with the free plan or running a big team and need the full package, they've got you covered. It's all about what you need and how much you're ready to invest in managing your time and projects.

The more affordable Hubstaff alternative

Hubstaff is great and all. But what if we told you there are better deals out there?

Hubstaff pricing plan

Unrubble is a great choice for those who are watching their budget but still want a great time management solution. We've got a few different plans, and each one is designed to cater to different needs.

First up, the Starter Plan. This one is forever free and allows unlimited users. This is perfect for individuals or small teams just getting their feet wet with time management. 

You get essential features like work scheduling, time tracking, and basic reporting. It's a no-brainer for freelancers or small businesses who need to keep an eye on time without spending a dime.

Then, there is the Premium Plan. Priced at $3.25 per user per month (when billed annually) or $5 monthly, it's still quite a steal. 

This plan is an all-in-one solution, offering more advanced features like team-wide reporting, enhanced integrations, and dedicated support. It's ideal for larger teams or businesses that need a bit more oomph in their time management tools.

And for the big players, there's the Enterprise Plan. This one's tailored for organizations that need custom solutions across teams. The pricing isn't listed upfront, so you'd need to contact our sales team for more details.

With Unrubble, you pay only for what you need. There's no overcomplicating things with features you'll never use. Plus, the interface is user-friendly. We know how to make it easy for anyone to jump in and start tracking time.

Hubstaff pricing plans

In summary, Unrubble offers a range of plans that are wallet-friendly and packed with features.

Whether you're a solo freelancer, a growing team, or a large enterprise, there's something for you. And with the flexibility to choose what you pay for, it's a pretty sweet deal for similar money.

Don't wait - try it today.


We've walked through the ins and outs of Hubstaff's 2024 pricing plans. Now you have a clear picture of what each option offers and how much it'll set you back. 

Whether you're a freelancer, part of a small team, or running a large enterprise, we hope this breakdown helps you make the best choice for your needs.

Plus, if you're looking for a more budget-friendly option, don't forget to check out Unrubble.


Does Hubstaff charge a fee?

Yes, Hubstaff charges a fee for its premium plans, which include additional features like automatic payroll, URL tracking, and advanced data retention options beyond its free version.

Is Hubstaff free for freelancers?

Hubstaff offers a free version for freelancers, which includes basic features like time tracking and online timesheets, but a paid plan is required for access to more comprehensive tools.

Is Hubstaff tasks free?

Hubstaff Tasks has a free version available that supports basic project management features, ideal for small teams or individual users.

How much are Hubstaff tasks?

Hubstaff Tasks offers different pricing model tiers, including a free version and premium plans that provide more advanced project management features and tools for remote teams.

What is better than Hubstaff?

While Hubstaff is highly effective, alternatives like Trello or Asana may offer better solutions for project management, depending on the specific needs for team collaboration and task organization.

Is Hubstaff better than Upwork?

Hubstaff and Upwork serve different purposes; Hubstaff is primarily an employee monitoring software and time tracking tool, while Upwork is a platform for freelancers to find work. The choice depends on whether you need project management or a freelance hiring platform.

What are the disadvantages of Hubstaff?

Disadvantages of Hubstaff include its pricing model for full features, potential privacy concerns with employee monitoring such as URL tracking, and the need for a vendor response system to address user issues effectively.

Is Hubstaff good for freelancers?

Hubstaff can be beneficial for freelancers, particularly those managing remote employees or needing to track time for billing purposes. Its automatic payroll and detailed task management features make it a useful tool for freelance project management.

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