HR Management··7 min read

Top Healthcare Staff Scheduling Software for Teams

Top Healthcare Staff Scheduling Software for Teams

In the busy world of healthcare, managing staff schedules can be a real challenge.

But, guess what? There's a solution that can make everything much easier – a healthcare staff scheduler.

This amazing tool can help hospitals and clinics organize their teams in the best way possible.

Today, we'd like to show you why you need one, as well as which one you should pick.

Let's see why it's such a game-changer:

Why use healthcare staff scheduling software?

Healthcare scheduling solutions can be invaluable. Let us explain why.

Optimized workforce management

These tools help hospitals and clinics arrange their staff's work hours in the most efficient way possible. This means everyone knows when they're supposed to work, and there are enough hands on deck at all times.

No more scrambling around at the last minute trying to find someone to cover a shift!

Improved patient care 

When the staff schedule is organized and runs smoothly, nurses and doctors can focus better on what they do best – taking care of patients.

With the right people in the right place at the right time, patients get the attention and care they need promptly. It's all about making sure that when someone needs help, there's always a skilled healthcare professional ready to step in.

Compliance and credentialing

Healthcare is full of rules and regulations - and for good reasons. These rules make sure that everyone is safe and gets high-quality care.

Healthcare work scheduling solutions help check if only qualified, credentialed staff are scheduled for shifts. This means no more headaches about accidentally scheduling someone who isn't up-to-date with their certifications or doesn't have the right qualifications for a specific task.

Time and cost savings

Such solutions also drastically cut down the hours spent on manually planning out schedules, which not only saves a ton of time but also reduces the costs associated with overtime and understaffing.

It's like having a super-efficient assistant who works 24/7 to keep everything running smoothly, helping hospitals and clinics use their resources in the smartest way possible.

Staff satisfaction and retention

Happy staff, happy life! When healthcare professionals know their schedules well in advance, can easily swap shifts without a hassle, and feel their work-life balance is respected, they're naturally happier and more satisfied with their jobs.

This satisfaction plays a huge role in keeping them around for the long haul. After all, finding and training new staff is challenging and expensive. By making life easier for their current team, healthcare facilities can retain their valuable employees, creating a stable and experienced workforce.

Real time visibility

Healthcare scheduling software can offer a clear, up-to-the-minute view of who's working, who's available, and where there might be staffing shortfalls.

This means managers can quickly make adjustments to ensure there's always the right number of staff on hand to meet patient needs. It's like having a bird's-eye view of the entire operation, ensuring everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Data-driven decision making

With scheduling software for healthcare, managers have access to a wealth of data and insights about staffing patterns, labor costs, and more.

Such information is gold when it comes to making smart, data-driven decisions about how to best manage the workforce. It allows for identifying trends, foreseeing potential issues, and planning effectively for the future.

Top staff scheduling tools for healthcare in 2024

Which solution can offer you these great benefits?

We've compiled a list of the top competitors on the market.


healthcare staff scheduling

Unrubble is a standout tool that automates the scheduling process for healthcare entities. It simplifies creating and managing schedules, integrating seamlessly with payroll systems. Its mobile version allows healthcare workers to receive alerts, swap shifts, and communicate directly from their smartphones. These aspects make it incredibly user-friendly for on-the-go caregivers.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • reduces time spent on manual scheduling, leaving more room for focus on patient care
  • facilitates immediate shift changes and updates, key for unexpected scheduling needs in healthcare
  • payroll integration offers accurate compensation for shifts, including overtime and special rates


healthcare staff scheduling software

Makeshift gives healthcare providers a comprehensive solution to manage their workforce efficiently. With its robust time monitoring capabilities and integration with payroll services, Makeshift helps to streamline the entire scheduling workflow. 

Its mobile app enables staff to view their schedules, request time off, and engage in shift swapping with ease. As a result, it enhances overall staff satisfaction and retention.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • accurate time tracking supports compliance with healthcare regulations and fair compensation
  • allows healthcare workers to manage their schedules around shifts and patient needs easily
  • shift rotation feature helps maintain optimal staffing levels


healthcare staff scheduling system

Connecteam offers a versatile platform that includes a time clock feature. It lets healthcare employees clock in and out directly from their mobile devices. 

This functionality, combined with its scheduling and time-tracking tools, helps healthcare institutions automate timesheets and accounting processes. Connecteam's  interface simplifies onboarding and daily use, making it a favorite among healthcare teams.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • time clock feature allows healthcare people to clock in/out at various locations
  • improves communication about schedules and updates
  • automates timesheet compilation


healthcare staff scheduling systems

Shiftboard is designed to optimize workforce management in healthcare settings. It provides real-time visibility into staffing, so that managers make data-driven decisions to improve patient service quality. 

Shiftboard's alert system and shift swapping capabilities let healthcare firms quickly adapt to staffing needs. At the same time, its integration with payroll systems makes administrative tasks easier.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • real-time staffing visibility helps healthcare managers quickly address staffing shortages or surpluses, maintaining patient care quality
  • shift swapping and alerts allow for rapid response to staffing changes, a common occurrence in healthcare
  • payroll feature simplifies administrative tasks, so that healthcare organizations can focus more on patient services

Buddy Punch

healthcare staff scheduling platform

Buddy Punch brings simplicity to time monitoring and scheduling for healthcare employees. Its time clock feature integrates with mobile devices, so caregivers can easily clock in and out. 

Buddy Punch's platform supports swapping shifts and provides alerts to help manage schedules effectively. Thanks to that, healthcare workers can maintain optimal staffing levels.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • easy clocking in/out through mobile devices helps accurately track working hours in different healthcare settings
  • user-friendly for quick shift adjustments and updates
  • streamlines accounting processing, so healthcare workers are compensated accurately for their time

Sling by Toast

healthcare staff scheduling platforms

Sling by Toast is tailored to improve the scheduling process for healthcare professionals. Its suite of tools includes a mobile version for easy access to schedules, time tracking for accurate payroll, and an alert system to keep staff informed. 

Sling’s emphasis on ease of use and efficient communication makes it a valuable tool for healthcare providers.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • makes the complex scheduling needs of healthcare facilities easier, from small clinics to large hospitals
  • offers accurate time tracking for accounting, critical for healthcare workers who often work irregular hours
  • keeps healthcare staff informed of schedule changes


healthcare staff scheduling tool

Workforce is a comprehensive solution that streamlines scheduling and time tracking in healthcare settings. It automates the creation of schedules, integrates with payroll spreadsheet systems, and offers a mobile app for real-time updates and swapping of shifts. 

Workforce's focus on streamlining administrative tasks helps healthcare organizations save time and reduce errors.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • automates the creation of complex healthcare schedules
  • mobile app supports real-time access to schedules and shift management, key for healthcare workers' flexibility
  • payroll integration guarantees that all hours worked in healthcare settings are compensated correctly


healthcare staff scheduling tools

WhenIwork is a dynamic scheduling solution that offers healthcare staff the ability to easily create and manage employee schedules. With features like time monitoring, mobile device access, and integration with payroll systems, WhenIwork clarifies the process of scheduling work. Its friendly interface and shift rotation capabilities make it an excellent tool for improving staff satisfaction and retention.

Why it's great for healthcare:

  • facilitates easy management of healthcare staff schedules
  • allows staff to swap shifts on the fly
  • integrates with payroll systems to give accurate and timely compensation for healthcare workers

Which solution should you pick?

While each option has its unique strengths, it really boils down to your personal needs and preferences.

Here's why Unrubble might just be that special pick for your healthcare scheduling needs:

  • Unrubble automates the whole process of scheduling. It turns what used to be a headache-inducing task into a breeze. Think about all that time you'd save, time that could be better spent on patients or even catching a much-needed coffee break.
  • Then there's the mobile functionality. For healthcare, being able to swap shifts, receive updates, and manage your schedule on the go is a blessing. They are always on their feet and can't be chained to a desk, so this feature is a game-changer. It keeps you always in the loop, no matter where you are or what you're doing.
  • And let's not forget about the compatibility with accounting tools. This is where Unrubble shines, making every hour worked an hour paid, and accurately so. In the healthcare sector, where overtime and irregular hours are part of the job, having a system that seamlessly takes care of compensation is like finding a treasure chest in your backyard.

So, while the choice ultimately hinges on what you're looking for in a scheduling solution, Unrubble does seem to tick a lot of boxes, doesn't it? It's like choosing that dessert that not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also leaves you feeling good about your choice.

Give it a free try today!

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