Business Tips··7 min read

The Best Employee Work Schedule Template (Excel & PDF)

work schedule template

If you're looking to simplify your team scheduling, you're in the right place.

We've put together super user-friendly templates in both Excel and PDF formats to fit your unique business needs.

Whether you're juggling shifts in a coffee shop or coordinating a corporate team, these templates are a shortcut to smoother operations.

What is a work schedule?

A work schedule is a plan that determines when someone is supposed to work. It's like a calendar, but specifically for your job. 

It tells you which days you need to be at work and what hours you'll be working during those days. This can vary a lot - some people work the typical nine-to-five, Monday to Friday, while others might have shifts that change each week or work on weekends. 

It's all about organizing time so that both the employee and the employer know what to expect.

Why work shift schedules are necessary

work schedule template

You might want to consider using proper work schedules for a couple of reasons.

Resource allocation

When you assign work hours, it's all about making sure the right people are in the right place at the right time. Think of it as a puzzle where every piece (or employee) fits perfectly to keep things running smoothly.

Time management

A weekly schedule helps everyone manage their time better. It's like having a roadmap for your work week, helping you plan your daily work more effectively.

Word of advice:

When it comes to mastering time management, a key player is a well-organized weekly schedule. That's where Unrubble steps in.

Imagine having a digital assistant that not only helps you map out your entire work week but also adapts to the ever-changing dynamics of your daily tasks.

Unrubble's user-friendly platform allows you to plan, adjust, and oversee your weekly commitments with ease.

Whether you’re coordinating team projects or managing personal tasks, Unrubble transforms how you navigate your workweek, making every hour count. Give it a try, and watch your productivity soar!

work schedule template


With a free work schedule, employees know exactly when they need to be focused on their tasks. This clarity boosts productivity, as there's no confusion about when to work and when to rest.


Imagine a relay race where everyone knows exactly when to pass the baton. That's what a good work schedule does. It helps teams coordinate better, ensuring a smooth handover of tasks.

Customer service

A well-planned weekly work schedule ensures that there are always enough staff available to attend to customer needs, improving overall service.

Employee satisfaction and work-life balance

When employees can customize their work schedules, it leads to better work-life balance. A daily work schedule that considers an employee's personal needs can make a big difference in their satisfaction and happiness.


Sticking to a set work week is important for legal reasons too. It ensures that businesses comply with labor laws, avoiding any legal issues and hefty fines.

Cost control

By using a weekly work schedule template, companies can plan better and avoid unnecessary overtime costs. It's a bit like using Excel for budgeting, but for managing time instead of money.

How to create a work schedule template for your business?

Here's how you can do it in just a couple of easy steps.

Identify business needs

Start by understanding what your business needs in terms of coverage. This might vary by the day of the week, with some days needing more staff than others.

Expert tips:

  • Analyze your busiest hours and days.
  • Review past sales or service data to predict busy periods.
  • Consider any seasonal changes or special events that might affect your business.

Define roles and responsibilities

In a document, like Google Docs, clearly define each role and its responsibilities. This clarity helps when assigning tasks for each workday.

Expert tips:

  • Write down each role in your business and the key tasks for it.
  • Use clear and simple language to describe each role.
  • Update this regularly as roles evolve or new ones are added.

Determine staffing requirements

Assess how many people you need on each shift. This should be based on the workload for each day and any specific roles that need filling.

Expert tips:

  • Calculate the minimum number of staff needed to operate efficiently each day.
  • Take into account peak times when more staff might be needed.
  • Plan for unexpected absences by having a backup plan or on-call staff.

Consider employee preferences

Some employees may prefer or require work from home options. It's important to consider these preferences to maintain a motivated workforce.

Expert tips:

  • Conduct a survey or have one-on-one discussions to understand employee availability and preferences.
  • Try to accommodate preferences like work-from-home days or preferred shifts, within business constraints.
  • Remember to balance fairness and business needs.

Use scheduling software

Tools like Google Sheets or Unrubble can be incredibly useful. They offer flexibility and accessibility, allowing you to easily create and modify schedules.

Expert tips:

  • Choose software like Unrubble for ease of use and accessibility.
  • Look for features that allow easy sharing and updating, like cloud-based platforms.
  • Train your staff on how to use the software effectively.

Word of advice:

Unrubble stands out as the best scheduling software available, and here's why. Imagine a tool that takes the complex task of scheduling and turns it into a smooth, almost effortless process. 

With Unrubble, you can amplify your scheduling speed up to ten times, thanks to its intuitive design.

It's not just about making schedules - it's about making them smarter. Whether you're dealing with shift planning, drafting, or publishing, Unrubble's advanced features like drag and drop, copying, and pasting make it a breeze.

work schedule template

Create a template

Develop a printable work schedule template. This can be a simple spreadsheet with columns for each day of the week and rows for employee names and their shifts.

Expert tips:

  • Use a simple layout in Google Sheets with columns for each day of the week and rows for employee names.
  • Include sections for start and end times, breaks, and specific roles or tasks.
  • Make the template printable and easy to read.

Word of advice:

If you're on the lookout for ready-to-use templates that streamline not just scheduling but also contract management, time off requests, and more, then Unrubble templates are your go-to solution.

These templates are a treasure trove for anyone aiming to simplify and optimize the way they handle various aspects of workforce management.

With Unrubble, you get more than just scheduling ease - you access a comprehensive suite of templates that cater to a wide range of needs. 

work schedule template

Rotate shifts fairly

Make sure that shifts, especially the less desirable ones, are rotated fairly among employees. This helps maintain morale and a sense of fairness.

Expert tips:

  • Set up a rotation system that evenly distributes less desirable shifts among employees.
  • Keep track of shift assignments to ensure fairness over time.
  • Be transparent about how shifts are assigned.

Balance workloads

Make sure that no employee is overloaded while others have light schedules. A healthy work-life balance is key to preventing burnout and keeping productivity high.

Expert tips:

  • Regularly check in with employees to ensure their workload is manageable.
  • Adjust schedules if certain employees are consistently overburdened.
  • Consider cross-training employees to help balance workloads during peak times

Consider breaks and overtime

Be mindful of legal requirements for breaks and overtime. Incorporate these into your schedule to ensure compliance and employee well-being.

Expert tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with local labor laws regarding breaks and overtime.
  • Schedule breaks and manage overtime to keep within legal requirements.
  • Clearly communicate break times and overtime policies to employees.

Word of advice:

When considering breaks and overtime in your scheduling process, Unrubble's time tracking and PTO (Paid Time Off) management features are invaluable tools.

Unrubble excels in offering an intuitive and comprehensive system for managing time off requests, including PTOs, vacations, and work-from-home arrangements.

Its request management system is designed to be efficient and user-friendly, ensuring that you can handle absences and leave tracking in minutes, not hours.

work schedule template

Communicate effectively

Once your schedule is set, share it with your team. Use a platform that everyone can access, like Unrubble or Docs, for easy reference.

Expert tips:

  • Share the schedule in advance (at least a week ahead).
  • Use a platform like Unrubble or Google Docs where updates are instantly visible to everyone.
  • Have a system for employees to request changes or report issues.

Be flexible

Finally, be prepared to adjust the schedule as needed. Flexibility is crucial, especially in response to unexpected changes or employee emergencies.

Expert tips:

  • Be open to swapping shifts if employees request it and it doesn’t disrupt business.
  • Have a plan for covering shifts in case of last-minute absences.
  • Regularly review and adjust the schedule as needed based on business changes or employee feedback.

Free employee schedule template (PDF, Excel)

There are plenty of free work schedule templates out there, but few of them are good enough for you. 

We believe the secret lies in simplicity. Thanks to it, you can stay on top of management and effective schedule tracking.

Here's our template for you:

work schedule template

You can access it easily - we have both PDF and Excel sheet versions for you. 

This table includes columns for employee names, their roles, and their shifts for each day of the week. This format is quite versatile and can be easily adapted or expanded based on the size of your workforce and the complexity of your scheduling requirements. 


Remember, effective scheduling is not just about filling slots.

It's also about considering employee preferences, legal requirements for breaks and overtime, and ensuring that your business needs are adequately met.

We hope you find this template useful.

For more, visit our templates website.

And don't forget to give Unrubble a try to further make your schedules even better.

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