Download Job Description Template for free

Job Description Template Free Download

Sooner or later, every business needs to bring on board some new employees. Whether it is to replace people or to grow your business, it's very important to attract the right candidate when looking to hire.

The process of hiring is considered a science, but others argue that it's also an art. You need to create a compelling job description to attract suitable candidates. This effective job description template is a good starting point for anyone looking to hire.

Here’s a sample Job Description template that can be easily customized and adapted to meet your requirements. It’s free to download and use - so you can snag the best talent in the job market today.

What is a Job Description Template?

A job description template is a form that lists the essential responsibilities and skills required for a specified role. This document should be easy to understand, and it should contain all the necessary information. There are many advantages to having a job description template, and we shall look at these benefits in detail further down this article.

Content of the Job Description Template

The job description template outlines the following things that qualified candidates may need:

  • Specific requirements
  • Primary duties and job responsibilities
  • Skills required from potential candidates
  • Educational qualifications
  • Common daily tasks
  • Who the employee reports to - the reporting structure of their department
  • Tools and any other equipment used,
  • Overall goals

How to Come up With a Strong Job Description Template

The first step when writing a job description template is to come up with a list of all the necessary details. Start by including a section for the job title. When the title has been specified, include an area where the user can input a brief description that provides the reader with an overview of the role.

Ensure that the template can be edited. Job description template word format is the most common since it's easy to edit. Another common format would be a job description template in Google Docs. This format can be kept and edited online, which makes it easily accessible, even remotely.

Upon reading this document, the job applicant should understand what success in their role looks like in the short and long term and whether it aligns with their career goals. For this to happen, the document should clearly outline the primary duties and job responsibilities necessary for the particular role.

Following the job duties and responsibilities, you can now include the skills and qualifications needed for someone interested in this position. This will help you with your talent acquisition efforts as you can find the perfect candidate more quickly.

Once you are done drafting the sample job description template, have someone proofread it. You can then present it to the human resources manager and the hiring manager for final approval. As soon as it has been approved, all that's left would be to post it where employees can easily access it.

Why Is It Important to Have a Job Description Template?

Most people don't get job descriptions right the first time they try. When you work with a job description template, you start in an advantageous position.

Most of the critical information is already included, and all you need is to fill out the details specific to the role being advertised and you have an appealing job description without breaking a sweat.

This document is handy when advertising an open job position. It minimizes errors like omitting essential details and saves you a lot of time since half the work will be done already. There are common job description formats that you can grab online. However, the job requirements, just like your ideal candidate, are unique for your business.

It also ensures that each professional job description aligns with the company policies. Even if it helps you find the ideal candidate, your well-written job description is no good if it is against the company guidelines.

Making this document part of your workflow enables everyone to create job descriptions that meet expectations. It can also help you find candidates that fit into your company culture.

How to Fill in the Job Roles and Responsibilities Section

This job description template gives you a starting point. However, you will still need to write details specific to your particular role on your own. When writing the job roles and key responsibilities, take note of the following:

  • Do thorough research on the role and outline all primary responsibilities
  • Use action words in your job description to entice prospective candidates
  • Mention the soft skills (communication skills, leadership skills, etc.), as well as hard skills
  • Supply all the necessary details
  • Ensure that you communicate your expectations regarding common tasks for the role
  • Outline your company's standards and the typical hiring process they will go through
  • Mention what's in it for the potential employees - employee benefit plans, paid time off, etc.

The job description must be concise, short, and detailed. This will ensure that all candidates understand what's needed and feel compelled to apply. The job description must not leave any room for more questions or confusion regarding the job's requirements.

When coming up with a job description, avoid superlatives. It is also essential to make sure that the section's primary focus remains on the core responsibilities and development requirements. If you haven't worked with a job description template before, ask your colleagues for advice.

What other Details Should Be Included in the Template?

Apart from the job description and key responsibilities, another vital section of the job description template is the list of must-have requirements. Here you should include:

  • The expected education level.
  • Relevant experience the qualified candidate should have, including critical skills for the role, as well as nice-to-haves.
  • Experience working with specific industry software and application, e.g. digital marketing tools)
  • Any other condition that is needed for candidates to succeed in the role.
  • The application deadline.

The list of requirements should contain all the non-negotiable experiences, and know how the candidate should possess for them to be considered.

You should also include a list of nice-to-have attributes. These include any attributes that would give a candidate an added advantage but are not necessary to get the job. If someone possesses these qualities, it will only put them ahead of someone who doesn't.

This section can include attributes like extended experience and things you usually train new team members to do. Don't create a super detailed list here as it might put candidates off.

Some people would argue that salary should also be part of the job description template. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to doing so; hence some people prefer not to include this section.

Bear in mind though, that listing a salary will probably attract better potential applicants. The job applications may seem like there are fewer coming in. However, the potential applicants you do attract will be those who want to work for that kind of salary.

This means that the qualified applicant won't be surprised later on if your salary range is too low.

Tips for Using a Job Description Template

You should always keep in mind that job description templates are a tool, and you need to exercise caution when using them.

Our free job description template will give you a good idea of how you are supposed to proceed, but you should try and customize it to the best of your ability. The daily responsibilities, performance expectations, and organizational structure differ across companies - so customize your job description template.

Also, having the same job description as everyone else will put off job seekers - they won't see what makes your business unique.

It's not advisable to just take a template and use it as is without personalizing it to suit your company's needs. Doing so would be a great way to have candidates ignore your job listing. You should put extra effort into ensuring that your listing is attractive.

When using a job description template, don't forget to clearly describe the work environment. Some jobs are considered office work, while some are mainly outdoors. Other jobs involve a lot of traveling. These factors can influence the choice of candidate as well.

For instance, if a lot of traveling is involved, it might be necessary to include in the job description that a candidate should own a vehicle. When properly drafted, a job description template can be a powerful tool that will allow you to attract suitable candidates.

Summing Up

An expertly designed job description template must make it easy to list job duties and key responsibilities for every role advertised by your company.

The format included in this article is excellent for describing a position internally, and it can be utilized as a starting point to create a job listing as well. To make your recruitment process more effective and your job openings more attractive, always customize this template.

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