HR Management··3 min read

Five reasons why employee engagement really matters

Improve your business by maximizing employee engagement

In a world where distractions are more and more rife at the workplace, employees are finding it harder than ever to stay focused on a task. With devices and technology as advanced as they have become, we have the possibility of never having to experience boredom at all. As a result, squandered hours, wasted resources, and an overall dreary work environment may arise in your business space. Disengagement is a killer when it comes to production. While time track software works wonders when correcting ill behaviour related to time wasting, the following below provide some insight into why it may be beneficial to invest some effort into getting your employees inspired to give it 100% any time they are on the clock.

1. Improves employee retention rates

By giving them chances to progress, you are showing their value with real opportunities to further their career. This comes from empowering your staff. Senior employees are a dime in a dozen. They shine as a testament to your policy of employee involvement and ensure that any head-hunters sent by competitors will be hard pressed to snatch them from your grasp.

2. It builds your reputation as a quality business

Tying in with the first point, when employees are less likely to leave, then this gives a much better impression of your own organization to outsiders. Having your organization portray a sense of stability reflects well on potential new candidates who may want to work with you.

3. Maintains trust

When staff work together cooperatively and familiarize themselves with each other’s responsibilities, a bond is naturally formed. Inherent trust allows for smoother employee interactions and less selfish behaviour to come about. Coordinating an effective office team is like dancing in a ballet performance. Each member needs to be aware of what the other is doing so as to give the impression of a solid working unit.

4. Stimulates intrinsic enjoyment from the job

As opposed to traditional management methods, high involvement work practices and autonomous teams all allow for a higher level of intrinsic enjoyment for employees. Why? When employees have the freedom to work independently, they can derive more importance and value from the knowledge that their contribution was generated by them alone, and not from orders received by upper-management. This kind of motivation comes from within and is many cases is much more effective from extrinsic motivators such as, let’s say a simple pay raise.

5. Increased display of positive attitudes

Who wouldn’t be happy working in a job that offers security and inspires us to do better? It goes without saying that the clearest way to display a positive attitude is to smile. Take a walk around your office a make a note of how many of your employees are smiling. It has a resonating effect. A smile says “I like you”, “you make me happy”, “I’m glad to see you”. This kind of behaviour is a fantastic tool that can be used to encourage others. Communicating with others in a sincere and warm tone conveys that you really appreciate the people in your organization. A cold and sombre tone does the exact opposite, making requests feel like simple business transactions. Furthermore, rather than punishing workers who make mistakes, try to approach them in a way that is both encouraging and assuring.

The enjoyment that spurs from high-involvement work practices no doubt results in a win-win situation for both employees and managers alike. Offer your employees the power to make workplace decisions. Train them to build their knowledge and skills in order to make and implement these decisions effectively. Give feedback and information about how their actions affect business unit performance, then reward them for their improvements. As a manager, you will surely reap enhanced performance from these points above. Spread the good vibes and this can ultimately result in a clear strategic advantage over competitors.

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