HR Management··5 min read

Stay on Track with These 10 Employee Performance Metrics

Employee Performance Metrics

Tracking employee performance metrics is one of the most vital aspects of keeping an organization successful. When it comes to measuring employee performance, there are a few methods to turn to for ensuring employees are aligned with company goals and values. How to measure employee performance? Below, we provide a list of ten employee metrics to be sure your staff is on board and moving forward along with the organization.

Goal-Setting to Track Employee Performance Metrics #1

Goal-setting is one of the top performance metrics and is a process that requires both employee and manager engagement. While your team may be excited to set up a list of goals for themselves, it’s important to work closely with them to ensure those goals are aligned with company objectives for a mutually beneficial outcome. This means carefully sprinkling company objectives into personal goals. For instance, when sales employees have certain commission goals for themselves, it means working with them to understand the bigger picture of bringing the company revenue.

Quality of Work #2

This is another vital metric for measuring employee performance. Poor quality of work can equate to loss of clients, loss of products, and an overall poor reputation for your organization. Assess the type of work being conducted by team members and consider how company values are driving work quality. Applying a metric that looks at how likely a customer is to review a product, for instance, allows you the transparency you need to make a quality assessment. If your team is required to make outbound sales calls, the number of calls made in a day is a great way to analyze the quality of work being produced by your team.

Problem-Solving Behaviors #3

Effectiveness at work requires the ability to problem-solve, whether that means finding the right steps or the right people for support. When a team member focuses on ensuring an effective outcome, the rest of the team is free to continue innovation while producing high-quality services or products. Although employees may think that moving quickly is what is most desired, it’s important to communicate that creative solutions are also highly valued. This way, as issues inevitably arise, you can count on your team members to take appropriate action, resolve any issues in a timely manner, and as a result, continue to grow within the organization.

Willingness to Take Initiative #4

When your employees step in without waiting on instruction from you, those are fantastic expressions of initiative. Tracking metrics is not always easy; however, when you notice team members going that extra mile, stepping in without being asked, offering creative suggestions, and overall engagement, you know you have some star players on your team. This frees you up to continue moving the team forward and makes your team members true assets to the organization.

Manager Feedback #5

Improve employee performance by investing in your teams’ growth. Take the time to nurture your team by providing manager feedback. This provides your team with a set of positive notes along with a set of directives for improvement. Set deadlines and follow up to ensure all objectives are met.

An employee performance review is a great tool for following up on previously set goals. The deadlines give you an opportunity to carefully track performance, note improvements, and continue training on an upward scale.

Attendance Consistency #6

Presence highly affects a team member’s overall performance and growth. Although you may have a star employee who gets a lot of work done in nearly half the time of others, if this employee misses a lot of work, he or she may be lacking investment in the overall health of the company. This behavior can also manifest in late arrivals, early departures, and long lunches. Foster your teams’ full potential by ensuring their hours at work are filled with quality attention to the projects at hand.

Overtime Hours Worked #7

Employee performance metrics involve not only attendance, but also a willingness to spend the extra time required to complete a project. Naturally, there are times when employees are asked to work overtime hours, helping the company achieve a specific goal. Notice how much time your team is giving and consider how that’s impacting the company’s overall health and revenue.

Training & Growth #8

After training your employee, consider how he or she is implementing what has been taught. Look for telltale markers, including how well a process is followed, how company policies are addressed, and how newly learned skills are expressed. Continue to introduce additional training as you measure how well your employee adapts to new information. This metric allows you to determine how well your team members adjust to changes and how valuable their work is when expectations are high.

Willingness to be Helpful #9

Although employee performance metrics relate to how well an employee performs, it’s important to consider how well they work with others. If you notice your team member being helpful with a new hire, this is an almost imperceptible metric that creates a sense of cohesion within a team. Wherever there is cohesion, work flows better, communication is improved, and overall efficiency soars.

Quality of Communication #10

Clear, direct communication makes a massive difference. Review how your employee is communicating with clients or customers, how they are communicating with co-workers, and how they communicate with you. If their form of expression lacks clarity, this creates more work as clarity is pursued. If, on the other hand, communication is ultra-clear, clients, customers, co-workers, and you will have more time to pursue the tasks ahead of you. Clear communication facilitates the forward momentum of an organization.

Tracking employee performance is no easy feat as there are many variables. However, taking a look at the overall qualities of your team while also assessing their real-time moves is a great strategy. Employees are living, breathing assets who can completely shift the productivity of an organization. Take your time, review each of the metrics addressed above, and enjoy the fruits of the team you’re building.

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