Management Tips··5 min read

Do You Know These 5 Common Remote Working Myths?

Remote Working Myths

As remote working becomes increasingly popular, it’s common to find more and more remote working myths floating around. While it’s true that this working style comes with its own challenges, there are still many remote work benefits that make it worthwhile. So, below we will shed more light on the five common remote working myths that may be unnecessarily stopping you from embracing the work-from-home culture.

Remote Working Kills Productivity

It’s a common misconception that remote workers are an unproductive bunch. Most employers find it hard to believe that workers can resist the urge to relax in the comfort of their homes. Plus, there’s the idea that there are too many distractions in a home environment, whether it’s the fridge, TV, kids, family members, or household chores, that negatively affect work performance.

However, the opposite can be true - remote working actually boosts productivity. That’s because by entrusting your employees with such a huge responsibility, they will feel motivated to stay on track. Plus, working in a relaxed home improvement can boost the mood and relieve stress, resulting in better work delivery and increased productivity. Also, employees save a lot of time if they’re not commuting or preparing for work daily, and these are hours that can be assigned to work instead.

The most significant increase in productivity for remote workers, however, happens because of the flexible working hours. Since there’s no scheduled time to stop working and walk away, most remote workers end up working longer hours than their office counterparts.

Sure, workers get distracted here and there, but this also applies in an office setup, where colleagues chat over the water-cooler or watch viral videos in between tasks. With remote working, you can solve this problem by using an app that allows you to track how many hours your team members log in for work.

Remote Working is A Communication Nightmare for Managers

Without proper communication, it’s hard for managers to carry out their duties effectively. And because there’s a myth that remote workers are unreachable, most managers and employers feel that remote working leads to communication breakdown and a host of other hybrid working problems.

This is hardly the case, considering there are many ways to work around this issue. For example, you can efficiently stay connected to your entire team while maintaining clear lines of communication by using email, video chat, social media platforms, and instant messaging. Mostly, these online methods of communication minimize misunderstandings because they allow everyone to reflect on what they want to say, so they can say it better.

Additionally, for managers, communicating in this way helps to improve their leadership. They will realize that as long as they set clear expectations for everyone, there’s no need to be in the same physical location as the people you’re managing. Most managers also find out that micromanaging is unnecessary, and you can get a team to accomplish big goals without seeing them constantly or checking up on them frequently.

Remote Working Is Expensive for Your Business

It’s normal for managers and leaders to view everything in terms of profit, which is why the myth that remote working can be costly can be particularly problematic. Fortunately, while remote working may require an initial investment, it’s already been established that since productivity stays on track and even improves, it all pans out in the long run.

Generally, you may need to set your workers up with desktops, laptops, and an ergonomic desk and chair. You may also want to invest in specialized software that streamlines your remote working processes - for instance, a time-tracking app that allows you to monitor worker productivity. The good news is most of these are simple budgetary additions that won’t break the bank for your business.

Remote Working Only Works for Small Teams

When remote work pros and cons are mentioned, the assumption that remote working is ideal only for small organizations is often listed as a drawback. This couldn’t be far from the truth because every organization, business, or company - big or small - can experience remote work benefits.

So while it’s true that larger organizations with bigger teams typically have some personnel they require to be onsite, they also have many jobs that can be done remotely. These are usually desk jobs, but it’s still possible to have every worker come in on certain days without encountering any hybrid working problems. They can then stay home on paperwork-only days.

This applies to all sorts of workers, whether it’s freelancers, entry-level workers, full-time employees, and even managers and CEOs. As long as there’s a well-developed communication strategy and the right tools, remote working can work for any team of any size.

Remote Working Destroys Company Culture

Most leaders and managers work hard to create a great culture where employees thrive. This is important because it influences how everyone approaches their work and helps to boost the bottom line. Fortunately, it’s still possible to maintain a strong work culture even with a remote working team. Any belief to the contrary is a myth that’s probably fueled by what others refer to as the lack of in-person communication in remote teams.

Even when workers are not in the same physical location, you can build a positive culture by being a little more creative. For instance, there are many ways for coworkers to socialize and bond online, whether that’s through screen shares or team-building activities.

If your work culture prioritizes continuous improvement, you can still train workers regularly as there are many online courses and educational tools that are being developed for digital teams. Overall, most hybrid work problems are eliminated thanks to technology, making it easier for organizations to build virtual teams with a strong work culture.

The Bottom Line

With these remote working myths busted, the truth about remote work benefits becomes more apparent. Remote working is something that’s revolutionizing the world of business. Once you get past these myths, you and your team can enjoy the flexibility, increased ROI, and overall simplicity that comes with this setup.

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