Management Tips··11 min read

Why Mass Layoff Frenzy Isn't the Answer: Staff Management Without Cuts

mass layoff

Spotify recently let go of 17% of their workforce, and let's just say it's caused quite a stir in the business world. It's not just Spotify either; this seems to be a growing trend among big companies. 

But here's the thing: is firing a bunch of people really the best move? 

Let's take a deeper look at this and explore some alternatives (there are many!) to layoffs for managing employees more sustainably. 

The layoff landscape in 2024

Major companies across various sectors have been in the layoff headlines, as they are trimming their workforces significantly. 

As reported by Forbes, Spotify announced a 17% reduction in its staff, impacting around 1,500 employees – just a few weeks before Christmas.

mass layoff

This move, explained as a cost-cutting measure to face economic slowdowns, is not unique to Spotify. 

Other big names like Twilio, Broadcom, and even giants in the tech and automotive sectors have followed suit. Twilio, for example, went through its second round of layoffs this year, affecting about 300 employees. Broadcom's acquisition of VMware led to over 1,200 job cuts in California alone. These layoffs are often justified as strategic moves to align with business priorities or as responses to market conditions.

But what does this mean for company culture and public perception? Layoffs, especially on a large scale, can send ripples through an organization. They can impact employee morale, alter public perception, and even affect customer loyalty. While these decisions might balance the books in the short term, one has to wonder about the longer-term consequences. 

Are companies risking their innovative edge or their reputation in the market? 

And, importantly, what does this mean for the future of work in these sectors?

It's a complex landscape, and while layoffs might seem like a quick fix, the real question is: Are they a sustainable solution, or are they just a band-aid on a deeper issue?

Understanding the ripple effects of layoffs

Layoffs, while often seen as a necessary evil in tough economic times, have profound and far-reaching consequences. Let's delve deeper into six significant effects of layoffs, each with a more detailed analysis and credible statistics.

#1 Decreased employee morale

The impact of layoffs on the morale of remaining employees is hard to be overlooked. According to a Stanford study, layoffs can increase mortality by 15-20% over the following 20 years, underscoring the severe stress and anxiety they cause. 

The American Psychological Association reports that workers who have survived layoffs are 41% more likely to feel insecure about their jobs. When people feel insecure at work, they are less productive, engaged, and dissatisfied with their workplace. And then, the fear of future layoffs can create a culture of uncertainty, leading to a decrease in loyalty and an increase in job-seeking behavior among employees. 

Read more: Stanford's insights on layoffs, APA on workplace trends

Damage to company reputation

Layoffs can have a lasting impact on a company's reputation. 

Harvard Business Review notes that layoffs – especially when not managed well – can lead to a negative public image. 

This can put off potential employees, but also investors and customers. A tarnished reputation can take years to rebuild and can affect the company's ability to compete in the market. 

Layoffs can also lead to negative reviews on job sites, and that is further impacting the company's image as an employer. The public perception of a company that frequently lays off employees can be one of instability and a lack of employee care, which can harm both customer loyalty and brand trust.

Read more: Harvard Business Review on layoffs

Loss of institutional knowledge

Employers who decide to proceed with mass layoffs might not be aware of one thing – that the loss of institutional knowledge due to layoffs can be devastating. 

SHRM points out that the departure of experienced employees leads to a gap in skills and expertise. It comes with more consequences, as it can affect the quality of products or services, delay projects, and hinder innovation. 

mass layoffs

The time and resources required to train new employees to fill these gaps can be way longer when needed again, and not confirmed for it to match the quality. 

The loss of long-term employees means losing the history and culture they carry, which can be integral to a company's identity and operational efficiency. And then, the loss of mentorship and leadership that these employees provided can also impact the development of future leaders within the company. 

Read more: SHRM on layoffs

Increased workload for remaining staff

Ever heard of “balance of nature”? 

The balance of nature, also known as ecological balance, is a theory that proposes that ecological systems are usually in a stable equilibrium or homeostasis, which is to say that a small change (the size of a particular population, for example) will be corrected by some negative feedback that will bring the parameter back to its original "point of balance" with the rest of the system.

The same applies to a workplace. 

If you decide to proceed with firing people and not hiring people to replace them, you expose your workplace to this phenomenon. 

The increased workload on remaining staff post-layoffs can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction. Various research found that layoffs double the risk of ill health among surviving employees.

what is mass layoff

This increased workload affects the quality of work and can lead to longer working hours, increased stress, and a higher risk of errors. The pressure to maintain the same level of productivity with fewer resources can be overwhelming – for virtually everyone.

This can result in a negative work environment, where employees feel undervalued and overworked. And it’s hard to find a way out here, so you either accept the fact that your workplace will be an unhappy place, or will have to hire new people to balance that out. Fast. 

The long-term effects include a higher risk of physical and mental health issues among employees, which can further impact absenteeism and productivity.

Potential decline in providing customer service

According to Axios, layoffs can have negative long-term consequences for companies, including a decline in customer satisfaction. 

With fewer employees, response times can increase, while the quality of service can decrease. 

It goes without saying that this can lead to frustrated customers and a potential loss of business. In industries where customer service is a key differentiator, this can be particularly damaging. The loss of experienced customer service staff can mean the loss of valuable customer relationships and a lack of repeat business in the future.

Read more: Axios on the impact of layoffs

Long-term financial implications

Mass layoffs sound “great”. Employers can free up some company money that can then be redistributed to savings or a special operation called “rescue the company”. 

At least, that’s a version on paper. 

The truth is that the financial implications of layoffs are complex and extend beyond immediate cost savings. 

It is widely known that the costs of losing an employee can be substantial, including severance, recruitment, and training of new employees. 

According to Gallup, replacing an employee can cost one-half to two times their annual salary. So, if you decide to lay off someone who makes $50k a year, replacing that person can cost you a whopping $100k.

That’s not all, though. There are indirect costs, such as the impact on team morale and productivity, as well as potential damage to customer relationships. Is that all? You’ve never been more wrong. 

The long-term financial implications can include decreased productivity, increased turnover, and a decline in customer loyalty. These costs can often outweigh the immediate savings from reducing the workforce. 

what are mass layoffs

Layoffs might seem like a necessary step in difficult economic times, the ripple effects are far-reaching and can have lasting impacts on a company's culture, reputation, and financial health. Businesses considering mass layoffs, should first consider these factors and explore alternative strategies before resorting to workforce reductions.

Alternatives to layoffs: managing employee time effectively

So what if not layoffs? 

Are there any other solutions for employers? 

Fortunately, there are – quite a few, we’d say. 

Flexible work arrangements

The financial benefits of flexible work arrangements may not be obvious to employers, but they can prevent layoffs and revolutionize business decisions.

With flexible work arrangements, companies can save money on operational costs while boosting employee morale. Using this approach not only reduces office space requirements, but also caters to different working styles, increasing productivity and job satisfaction. Businesses that embrace flexibility can retain top talent and reduce the likelihood of layoffs because their employees are more engaged and efficient.

Example: A customer service center might allow its employees to choose their shifts and work from home. This flexibility leads to a more motivated team, but also to reduced absenteeism, and a higher quality of customer service – and that enhances both the company's reputation and customer satisfaction.

Action steps:

  • Survey employee preferences. Understand when and where your team works best – and capitalize on that. 
  • Implement flexible schedules. Allow for varied start and end times or remote work options.
  • Use tools for remote collaboration. Platforms like Unrubble facilitate effective remote teamwork with tools both employers and employees can use.

Task and role optimization

Task and role optimization is about making the most of your processes within human, financial, and operational resources your have in your business. 

By matching employees' skills with the right tasks, companies can increase efficiency and reduce the need for a larger workforce. 

This means saving money instead of spending it. It maximizes the productivity of the current workforce and enhances employee satisfaction, as individuals are tasked with roles that suit their strengths and career aspirations instead of being given any task at any time.

Example: An e-commerce company reassigns some of its standby customer support staff to handle social media inquiries, so that they don’t need to hire a separate social media unit. 

Action steps:

  • Conduct a workflow audit. Identify repetitive or low-value tasks – and decide whether to merge them, remove them from the process, or assign further. 
  • Redistribute or automate tasks. Use software solutions for automation. They exist for a reason. With Unrubble, you can automate a lot of tasks on the spot. 
  • Cross-train employees. Encourage skill development in multiple areas, and put resources into training.

Reskilling and upskilling programs

Reskilling and upskilling programs are not just about employee development – but they're more of a strategic investment in the company's future. Enhancing the skill set of your workforce, you can diversify your business offerings and reduce the need for external hiring – or internal firing. 

Example: A manufacturing firm trains its floor workers in advanced automation technologies, enabling them to operate new, more efficient production lines.

Action steps:

  • Identify skill gaps. Determine what skills your team needs to develop.
  • Implement training programs. Offer in-house training or online courses.
  • Monitor progress and apply skills. With Unrubble, you can leverage time tracking to check on the progress.

Employee engagement initiatives

At times of layoffs or tough times, you might not think about that, but you should always keep that in mind.

As Unrubble’s CEO said, “employees are biggest assets of each company”. 

Employee engagement initiatives are needed to build a resilient and committed workforce. Engaged employees are more likely to contribute innovative ideas and show greater loyalty to the company, reducing the need for layoffs and contributing to financial growth too. 

Workplace initiatives like these can boost productivity and business development by creating a dynamic and collaborative working environment.

Example: A software company introduces a peer-recognition program where employees can nominate their colleagues for exceptional work.

Action steps

  • Create engagement activities. Plan regular team-building or brainstorming sessions.
  • Recognize and reward contributions. Acknowledge outstanding work and achievements.
  • Encourage innovation and creativity. Use tools to manage and reward innovative projects. You’ll find many free apps you can implement in your company.

Companies can reduce layoffs by implementing these strategies, creating a more efficient, engaged, and adaptable workforce.

Regular performance reviews and feedback

Regular reviews provide a structured approach to assess and enhance employee performance, leading to overall operational efficiency. These reviews are not just about identifying areas for improvement, but also for finding opportunities to recognize and reward high performers.

However, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink it. 

If an employee consistently underperforms and shows no interest in improvement, individual layoffs may become necessary. 

It’s far more strategic and considerate than mass layoffs, as it focuses on retaining those who contribute positively to the company's objectives.

Example: In a digital marketing agency, regular performance reviews reveal that one team member consistently fails to meet campaign targets and shows little interest in training opportunities. After several attempts at improvement, the agency decides on an individual layoff, staying with a strong, dedicated team and avoiding broader job cuts.

Action steps

  • Set clear performance metrics. Define success for each role, ensuring that employees understand what is expected of them – but also what happens when the criteria are not met and goals are not achieved. 
  • Schedule regular reviews. Conduct consistent feedback sessions to assess progress, address challenges, and set new goals.
  • Use performance management tools. Modern HR tools, like Unrubble, can help streamline the review process, with a clear overview of each employee's performance and progress.

Numbers speak for themselves: case studies of successful alternatives to layoffs

Several companies have successfully navigated crises without resorting to mass layoffs. Here are a few notable examples, along with case studies and numbers to illustrate their strategies:


During the COVID-19 crisis, SAP was among the companies that took a 90-day no-layoff pledge. This commitment helped maintain employee morale and trust in the company and the SAP microservices it provides during uncertain times. 

Read more: People Matters details SAP's approach.


Salesforce also joined the no-layoff pledge during the pandemic. The company focused on maintaining its workforce, a vital component of sustaining its customer relations and business operations during the crisis. 

Read more: Salesforce's strategy.

HCA Healthcare

During the economic downturn caused by the pandemic, HCA Healthcare chose not to implement job cuts or furloughs. Instead, they focused on other cost-saving measures while keeping their staff intact. With this approach, they could maintain a stable workforce ready to meet healthcare demands. 

Read more: The New York Times discusses HCA Healthcare's decision.


A London-based professional services firm, Aon, also avoided layoffs during the pandemic. They implemented alternative strategies to manage costs while retaining their employees, which helped them maintain operational continuity and employee trust. 

Read more: Aon's approach during the crisis.

A call to rethink corporate strategy (before it’s too late)

Mass layoffs are like using a sledgehammer when a scalpel is needed – they might seem effective in the short term, but the long-term damage can be extensive. 

Sometimes, a scalpel – in the form of strategic alternatives like flexible work arrangements, task optimization, reskilling programs, and regular performance reviews – is all you need. 

The decisions made today will crucially shape the future of your organization and its people. Remember about it before you go really, really big. 

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