Management Tips··7 min read

6 Types of Communication Styles in the Workplace

6 Types of Communication Styles in the Workplace

What are the main types of communication styles?

When asking what is communication style, you may feel that you are friendly and able to get yourself across in a well-versed manner. However, there are many people who may not entirely be aware of what employers are requesting when they list good communication skills.

As an employer, this is something that can often be quite challenging to get across, which can make it rather vague for individuals who are looking to get the job on offer. Because of this, learning a little more about what kinds of communication styles there are can often be a wise idea. This way, it’ll be easier to know exactly what the business is looking for and allow you to present your skills in the best possible light.

There are six different communication styles – and you’ll be expected to display competence in each of these areas.

Communication style examples are:

  • Verbal communication
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Formal communication
  • Informal communication
  • Written communication
  • Visual communication

How communication styles affect the workplace?

Usually, it’s not just managers that need to understand different types of communication. In fact, from an employee’s perspective, there’s a lot that needs to be taken into consideration.

As a worker, there are six workplace communication styles to adapt to. Because of this, it can be especially good to understand how these can affect your role in a company, your co-workers and even your bosses.


Being able to get your point across, address issues in an understandable way and even how you write emails can all have an impact on how seriously you are taken or how well your information is received. Better yet, it can be essential in context and could help you to know what to say, when to say it and most importantly, how it should be said.

Six tips on how to cooperate with different communication styles

Whether you’re a manager or an employee, there’s a good chance that you’ll find it beneficial to look into some of the different ways to communicate at work. On the plus side, it doesn’t have to be too difficult to learn. here’s a quick look at 6 tips that could help you out:

1. Good verbal communication is your best asset

Of all of the types of communication styles, one of the best is talking. If you speak positively, clearly and at a reasonable level, your peers and higher staff will be happy to talk to you and address your opinions or concerns. If you raise your voice or use a lot of negative language, you may find that people avoid you and that things just won’t get done.

2. Non-verbal communication can help you convey your needs

Your body language and facial expressions go a long way when talking to somebody, so it’s important to stand straight, not fidget and smile. If you raise your eyebrows or shake your head while agreeing to something, these non-verbal cues can convey the wrong message. Even just a little understanding of what these movements can show could help you a lot in understanding how to better communicate.

3. Formal communication skills can be necessary

It’s always best to practice formal communication whenever you communicate with your colleagues or bosses. Keep things professional and always speak and write in a concise manner to ensure no crossed wires and to avoid saying anything that may be deemed incriminating. Generally, just learning a little about how to be more formal can make a big difference.

4. Informal communication can be useful outside of work

While there are many people who struggle with finding a balance between being friendly and too assertive, informal talk isn’t something that’s usually beneficial in the workplace. However, there are times where you can use informal communication, predominantly if you’re looking to put colleagues at ease when it comes to non business-related matters. Remember that context is essential and while informal styles can be useful, it’s best to be able to identify what kinds of communication are appropriate and when.

5. Maintain written communication for clarity and rapport

Always make sure to go over other forms of workplace communication in writing. Following up on voicemails, emails, meetings, important discussions, the details of leave management systems, or keeping things up to date (e.g. with progress on current projects), will ensure that nothing gets overlooked. It can help to improve office relations, especially if you show initiative.

6. Visual communication is a great tool

Some of your co-workers may respond better to visual information, so when you are creating presentations, it can be important to include graphics (including images, tables, charts and graphs) that get complicated information across in a simple way. Use tools to your advantage when both planning and hosting presentations. While this may not apply to everyone, it’s worth keeping in mind the importance of visual communication for when it’s necessary.

The importance of understanding communication styles at work

Taking steps to incorporate all six styles of communication when appropriate will undoubtedly assist you in your everyday working life – and this goes for management, too.

In general, knowing a little more about the different styles that there are will be beneficial in essentially any work setting. Maintaining a happy, fully-functional workplace will reduce your stress levels and up your productivity, as well as being beneficial outside of work too.

With a little time and effort, you may just find that discovering your ideal communication style won’t be too much of a challenge. As a whole, the 6 styles we looked into earlier on will fit into one of these main categories in some way:

  • Aggressive
  • Assertive
  • Passive
  • Passive-aggressive

Considering this may help you to better understand what styles of communication are ideal for what scenarios.


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