Download Letter of Intent Template for free


If you have an upcoming job interview, downloading a good letter of intent template is a great way to start your application process off on the right foot.

Maybe you’re new to the workforce, or, perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve interviewed – either way, a template can help you feel secure and inspired while drafting your letter to a potential employer.

If you need additional writing help, here is a look at 7 tips to help you get the most out of your letter of intent template.

Here’s a sample Letter of Intent template that can be easily customized and adapted to meet your requirements. It’s free to download and use.

Seven Tips for Using Our Letter of Intent Template

1. Research the Organization You Are Applying To

One thing a letter of intent template can’t do for you is to research the organization that you are applying to. However, this is arguably the most important step in the letter-writing process!

Before writing anything, make sure to seek out some general knowledge about the organization that you plan to write to. A few places you can look for information include:

  • The organization’s website
  • Active social media pages
  • Newspapers and media outlets
  • Friends/acquaintances who have experience with the organization

Once you have an idea of who the organization is, you will have a better understanding of how you may fit in with them.

2. Keep it Simple

Once you have your sample letter of intent downloaded, you’re ready to write! While it may feel overwhelming, it’s important to remember that it’s okay – and actually better – to keep things simple.

For starters, limit your letter to only one page. Most hiring managers and recruiters are extremely busy, and many just don’t have time to read more than one page. It’s more important to keep your writing simple, straightforward, and to the point. Avoid using long, complicated words, and just be yourself!

3. Customize Each Letter

Just because you are using a loi template doesn’t mean that the written content and substance of your letter should be bland, boring, or cookie-cutter. You should still make sure that each letter is customized to each organization that you send it to.

With each letter, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • Why do you like the organization?
  • What do you admire about the organization?
  • Are there any current events or headline stories about the organization that has sparked your attention?

Recruiters and hiring managers can easily sense when a letter has been copied and pasted from another application, so it’s important that you let them know specific reasons why you want to work with them.

4. Be Formal and Courteous

Remember, a letter of intent is a formal document that should be taken seriously. When writing your letter of intent word template, double-check that your language is:

  • Formal in tone
  • Free from typos
  • Grammatically correct
  • Courteous and respectful of the reader
  • Free from inappropriate jokes and humor

Even if a company has a casual vibe on social media, it is still important that you, as a potential candidate, remain professional in all communications. And this is even more so important when trying to make a good first impression.

5. Don’t Write About Yourself Too Much

Plenty of letter of intent sample pdfs include a spot for you to write about yourself. However, it’s important to remember to maintain balance. The majority of the letter should be about what you like about the organization you are applying to and what makes you a good fit for the role.

You should not use the letter as an opportunity to share your life story. Remember, hiring managers have a limited amount of time to spend reading your letter and application, so make it count with a message that is relevant and focused.

6. Use Your Resume for Help

If you are having trouble completely filling out your free letter of intent template, you can always reference your resume for some guidance. This is particularly helpful when trying to make your background and experiences relevant to the position that you are applying for.

Take a hard look at your resume and pull out one or two key accomplishments. You can then build from these examples to craft a narrative about how your experiences and accomplishments make you a good fit for the job and organization.

7. Be Honest

You may have stumbled upon a number of letter of intent samples that you are impressed with. However, the most important thing to remember when crafting your own is to be honest with yourself and with the recipient. Never copy and paste someone else’s letter, and do not exaggerate or make up lies about yourself.

Hiring managers can easily spot if your letter doesn’t match up with your LinkedIn profile or resume, so just be upfront and honest about your qualifications and experiences. Think of this letter as the initial step in a trusting relationship with an organization and the best way to take that initial step is from a place of authenticity.

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